Customer order confirmation and invoice clauses
Seules les conditions générales mentionnées sur notre site web (cf. ABEX) sont applicables pour nos services, outre les conditions figurant ci-après. Tout ajout ou modification ne sera possible que si nous l’avons clairement accepté par écrit ou lors de l’exécution du contrat.
Our invoices are definitely due on the hand-over of the goods to the first transport contractor, irrespective of the payment term shown on the invoice. Our invoices remain due, and may not be offset or withheld for any reason whatever.
Failing payment of our invoices on the due date, the invoice amount shall be increased by operation of law, without notice of default, by a flat-rate amount of 10% for the extra-judicial recovery costs, and interest on overdue payment shall be payable at the rate of 1% per month.
The courts of our registered office, as the place of creation and performance of the contract, shall have sole jurisdiction, without prejudice to our right to bring the case before another court.